Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Annie's Wonderland.

im not sure whether i share this in my blog before..

songs by Bandari..
it helps to calm my mind..for most of the times..

tonite, i miss home more than usual.
no idea why, but yes, feel like crying.

i wish i have someone far away to talk to right now.
someone that dont know who am i, that wont judge me for whatever i do or whatever i say.
someone from far far away.

yes, emo.
but im not sure why.

this song, makes me feel like going to some wonderland.
somewhere peaceful and no stress.
right, stress.. :(

cant even sleep right now.
tomorrow, please be a good day.
shall stop here now.


  1. Its okay kar yan I also feel the same way too. *I bet a lot people do too* Sometimes middle of the night the thoughts of home just suddenly come into my mind and I get very upset.

    Your idea about talking to a stranger is a good one. I have a few blogger friends on facebook who I usually talk to. Never seen them in real life, they don't know who I am, and it really feels so much better after talking to strangers. :')

  2. >< glad that u have some blogger friends to share your thinking..sometimes i need people from "far away" to communicate! missing the FOOD especially so much every nite! ><
