Friday, April 23, 2010


before i start talkin bout myself..
this is sumthin i found lately..
just to share it with others here..
而爱一个人有时却怕和他(她)在一起,怕看到对方。常常有这样一种人,渴望见到爱的人却又怕看到对方的身影,特别是不敢触及对方的眼睛,在自己所爱的人面前常常心惊胆跳,面红耳赤!如果你在谁的面前感到自己特别害羞,特别心跳时,那可能就说明你已经爱上对方了…… 说了那么多,还是只有这么一句:喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢! 是喜欢是爱大家自己想明白哦 ­

面对你心爱的人 你的心跳会加速 ­
然而面对你喜欢的人 你只会兴高采烈 ­

面对心爱的人 冬天就象是春天 ­
然而面对喜欢的人 冬天是个美丽的冬天 ­
假如你凝视的是你心爱的人 你会脸红 ­
假如你凝视的是你喜欢的人 你会微笑 ­

面对心爱的人 你不能说出心中的一切 ­
然而面对你喜欢的人你言无不尽 ­
面对心爱的人 你容易羞涩 ­
然而面对你喜欢的人你能展现真实的自我 ­
心爱的人时刻萦绕在你的 心头 ­
你不能直视心爱的人的眼睛 ­
然而你却能欣然迎接喜欢的人的目光 ­
当心爱的人哭泣 你会一同落泪 ­
而当喜欢的人流泪 你会停下来安慰 ­
爱的感觉源自眼睛 ­
而喜欢的感觉源自耳朵 ­
所以你如果不在喜欢你喜欢的人 ­
你只需要堵住耳朵 ­
但如果你试图闭上眼睛 ­
爱变化做一滴泪水永远留在你的心中 ­
世界上最甜美的事情 莫过于你慢慢地向我走来 ­
静静地诉说着「我爱你」 ­

暗恋~ ­
世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死 ­
而是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你 ­

­热恋~ ­
世界上最令人察觉不到的事情 便是你我在一起时 ­
那个不断流逝着的 ­
据说叫做「幸福」的日子 ­

­痴恋~ ­
世界上最遥远的距离 ­
不是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你 ­
而是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起 ­

­苦恋~ ­
世界上最遥远的距离 ­
不是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起 ­
而是明明无法抵挡这股想念 ­
却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 ­

­失恋~ ­
世界上最遥远的距离 我明明无法抵挡这股想念 ­
却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 ­
而是用自己冷默的心对爱你的人 ­
掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠 ­

有些人一直没机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了,相见不如不见。 ­
有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。 ­

­有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却说不出口了。 ­
有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。 ­

­ 有些人很多机会相见的,却总找借口推脱,想见的时候已经没机会了。 ­
有些话有很多机会说的,却想着以后再说,要说的时候,已经没机会了。 ­

­ 有些事有很多机会做的,却一天一天推迟,想做的时候却发现没机会了。 ­
有些爱给了你很多机会,却不在意没在乎,想重视的时候已经没机会爱了。 ­

­ 人生有时候,总是很讽刺。 ­
一转身可能就是一世。 ­

­ 说好永远的,不知怎么就散了。最后自己想来想去竟然也搞不清当初是什么原因分开彼此的。然后,你忽然醒悟,感情原来是这么脆弱的。经得起风雨,却经不起平凡;风雨同船,天晴便各自散了。也许只是赌气,也许只是因为小小的事。幻想着和好的甜蜜,或重逢时的拥抱,那个时候会是边流泪边捶打对方,还傻笑着。 该是多美的画面。 ­

­没想到的是,一别竟是一辈子了。 ­

­于是,各有各的生活,各自爱着别的人。曾经相爱,现在已互不相干。 ­

即使在同一个小小的城市,也不曾再相逢。某一天某一刻,走在同一条街,也看不见对方。先是感叹,后来是无奈。 ­

也许你很幸福,因为找到另一个适合自己的人。 ­
its time to talk bout myself.. still in my study break now..
one week has pass...
alot more to cover..
dun think i could finish it on time...
but i'll try my best..
oh and i jz did my MUET today..
honestly..i dun tink its good..
today...or i shud say...since yesterday...
nothin much on studies has been done..
feel like slappin myself.. =(
oh yah!! guess what my parents said yesterday?!!
they said im growin fat! eesh! while im eating a big plate of rice some more..
eesh eesh eesh!!
but ...hahaha i dun blame them for that..
cz i've been eating so much lately..
exams...always cause me to become fat!!
hmm...well i shall leave now...
nid go bond a bit wif my parents Xp
hahaha wat to do..i miss them ma!! =)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

happy birthday!! =)

To : May Yan

hey! darling~! its your big day today!! =D
i..wanted to show much we've been thru since last time..
hahaha..and..its only a small part here..
=) girl..happy bday!!
i know..this was ages ago...
think probably its during form 2 or form 3..
outside sungai wang..
this was during canteen day..year 2005 if im not mistaken..

hahaha..i miss the old days!! =D
this was..when we went to midvalley to watch a show right?
hahaha..couldnt remember the name of the show ady..
remember this?
was taken at the last week of 2005 i think..
before i left the skul..
this was...somewher durin form 4 right? haha..
i noe its my first time to sock man's place..
this!! i'll never forget..its 15th september 2006..
hmm..remember my yellow sony erricson fon?
this was the first picture taken using that fon..
haha..we went out wif sock man..
remember? =)
as for this...if im not mistaken..
its during..hmm..year 2007...
ladies day..hahaha!!

this!! i remember too!!
30th november 2007..
last day of our spm!! =D
on our way up to the cable car.. =)
remember wat we did?
hahaha..while waiting for the guys...
this was before we left genting..
in starbucks..right ? right?
this was..tee hoong's farewell right?
i still remember that time i rushed ther after my work... =)
this was..hmm..last year? or this year?
we went to full house in kl.. =D
when was this arr?
seems like not long ago.. XD
i must say before i continue on the followin pictures..
i cant exactly remember the sequence of the following pictures..
sorry =p
anyways..i do remember wat happened.. =)
the day we went to melacca..on the way ther..
the day before we left melacca.. =)
prom night..

at pavillion...
i think that time pavillion is still quite new ehh? Xp
im sure its december..

this was taken before i start college..
december too.. i remember my hair style that time..
this was..durin CNY break..
wher u came back kl from NS..
emmm..this one..i really hav no idea when..
but i noe we're in the photo booth..
pink sungai wang i guess..
this...another ladies day..
in i right?
in pavillion..dinner... =)

hey girl~
remember this one?
i still keep ur present nicely..
was during my birthday few years ago..
well...right now...
today...its ur big day!!
turning to 20!! i noe its not exactly a good thing.. =p
hahaha ...still..u're 20 now!! =D
all the best in ur future~~~
we shall hang out after the exams~ =)

oh ya! i hav another fren..
having the exact same date of birth as u..
and this fren of mine is in australia now..

To : Weng Hong
hey..take care and all the best in australia..
some old pictures with u..
ehh...we actually hav so little pictures together..
the next time u're back..we shall take more pictures.. =p
its..hmm..form 5?? =)

when he's back from australia 2 years ago..

hmm..this was last year right?
5E gathering..
happy birthday to may yan and weng hong!! =D

Saturday, April 17, 2010

doggie! =D's the startin for my study break..
should be studyin right now..but..haha i suppose i can take out a little time to update my blog..

April 15, 2010 be more specific...Esther's birthday..
we went to her house at midnight to giv her a suprise..
well..the photos are not wif me...
i only hav her dog's picture..

haha..cute right?? =)
its a few pictures of my brownie doin stupid things..
or showin her sor por face =p

-.-" i hav no idea why she do this..hahaha...

the following picture is my eldest dog at home...


as for today...
April 14, 2010

i went to collect my new specs..
not much differencec from the old one...

today's entry ...almost all of the pictures are dogs...
almost... Xp

hmm..the picture im showin below...
i believe everyone knows that its Husky..

hmm they hav triangle ears..compared to Bernese Mountain Dog which hav round ears..
Husky also prefers to live in cold climate..
but in malaysia..its quite common nowadays..
i met a very lovely colour husky when im workin last year..
hmm..he's grey in colour..
lovely..but his mummy n daddy is so worried of him..
cz he's quite skinny..
very active at home..
love to eat eggs..
very friendly..
smart..can do alot of tricks...
and..still single =)
i miss Milo~~~~~~~~
too bad i dun hav a picture of it..
anyways.. i'll stop here now...

Monday, April 12, 2010

no-title.. =)

4th April, 2010

hmm..a week ago..
my brunch in ipoh chicken rice shop wif my family..

the tasty chicken..
haha..its nice..
but as usual..meat stuff..not reli my type.. Xp
next...its probably some borin pictures of my dogs..
haha my lovely non-branded dogs..
they're just plain street dogs..
each of them carry a long story..
how their lousy owners throw them away..
how they got bullied by some idiots stayin near my house..pfff..
... a lot more to go...
too bad i dun hav that much time now to type everything out...
still hav to rush for report which due tml.. XD


wow wow

=( i only get to take these 3 dogs's pictures le..
hmm..nvm..this week when im home..ill get pictures of the other 2 !!
hahaha! the latest pictures of them!! =D
hmm..oh ya..ther's this place which i think the tong yuen quite nice..
i dont care! this weekend im goin to drag my mum and eat wif me again!!
lol..its inside Giza..some soya shop..
i wan to try the chocolate one again!! =D
beside the soya stall..
ther'e another stall sellin food..
haha..i reli ate alot that day..
durian tart..which i din get to try it last week..
cz..too full Xp
hmm..i've been wanting for a dog ever since the first time i saw it last year..
lol..ya..i only saw it last year while im workin in the pet shop..
hahaha!! its..quite hairy..
Bernese Mountain Dog!!
it can grow up to around 60cm height..
but this breed..should live in cold environment as they hav thick coat..
they love outdoor activities..
its originated from Swiss Mountains, Switzerland..
hahaha..its really huge..
i feel safe when im standing beside it..
lol..even it belongs to the customer..
time to stop now..back to report.. =)

Friday, April 2, 2010

its april now!

hmm...since i cant reli sleep now..
shall update abit on my blog..
well..first i would like to share sumthin i saw on tv..

a grey toy poodle!!
hmm..well most ppl said it looks scary..
but haha! it looks cute to me!!
and its grey!! =D
its pretty rare to see grey toy poodle..
then...the followin picture was taken when i went dinner wif my family..
skinny little dog..
well..i curi curi throw some food for the dog Xp
dunno whether my dad saw it...well i sure hope he doesnt! =p
next..its farewell for sonia!
the pictures...are not reli with me upload it later on...
but that day..hehe..while waitin for the food to arrive..
went to walk around...
later on..have second round at subang..
ther's oni a few pictures with me now..
=D so long din take this kind of pictures ady! Xp
oh! teddy! =D
i took this picture while i emo that day..
haha..after takin the picture...i feel good!! =)
right now..
2 songs in my mind..
solo by iyaz and im walking away by craig david ..
here's part of the lyrics..
in 'solo',
"i dont want to walk this earth if i gotta do it solo"
in 'im walking away',
sometimes some ppl get me wrong,
when its something i've said or done,
sometimes you feel there is no fun,
that's why you turn and run.
but now i truly realise,
some people dont wanna compromise,
hahaha..too lazy to type out everything...
im listening to the song now..!!
guesss nothin much i can type out now..
not reli in a happy mood now..
cz of the video i've jz seen in fb...
=( bout dogs again...