i wanna post sumthin here to thank two very importan person in my life..
my dad n my mum..
i know they wont see this..lalala..thats why im posting it here =p
few years back..
i mean like..when im stil in primary skul..
haha they used to buy cake for me on my bday..
its like a must! hmm usually my mum would get fruit cake or black forest instead of chocolate..
haha probably she like it? XD or may be she dun wan me to get sore throat? lol..
nahh..who cares...kids ma..got sweet stuff then can dy lar..
this few years..
my parents dun remember my bday..
cz each year..this time..
sumthin importan is goin on..
for example..
there's PMR and SPM..for my brothers and me..
then my bro goin overseas..
then..lol too many incidents that fall on this month each year..
so..haha yeah..my parents kind of dun celebrate it for me as they dun remember it..
they dun remember my bday usually..
they dun exactly bring me to have great dinner on my bday..
they dun actually buy me birthday cakes or presents..
haha! thats because they did these all the time..
everything they did is a gift to me..
thanks dad and mum! =)
thanks for all u did for me..
i might be such a horrible daughter at times..
but just so u know..
deep down inside i reli appreciate every single thing you did..
things u bought me..
things u taught me..
things u gave me..
just to share a little thing here that my primary skul teacher taught me..
obviously every mothers risk their life when they give birth..
to me,
生日, 是父忧,母难日.
hahaha..i noe it sounds weird..
but to me when a child is born, the father have to start worryin..
worry of how to giv the child the best environment to grow..
thank you papa mama!
hahaha take a look at the cute girl below! =p
guess who's this?
hahahaha..after thankin my parents..
i wanna thank alot of ppl for making today a great day for me..
thanks for all the wishes..
thru facebook or SMS or even MSN..
and thanks for the suprise..
i really appreciate it..
once again!
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