Wednesday, July 7, 2010

no other place to throw it out..

im so sorry..i din noe i bring so much trouble to u all..
im so sorry..i cry in front of others when im not happy..
im so sorry..i dint noe how to differentiate which type of msg would make me cry, and which type wont..
im so sorry..for everything!
sorry that i cant be pleased easily..
if its my fault..
im truly sorry..i mean it..
we hav been frens for sometime..
if im reli such a horrible fren to u..
i got nothin to say anymore..
im so sorry..

and to the person who actually caused all this...
im not sure who it is yet.. here to say thanks!

and im reli sorry to my blog..
for leavin this unhappy thing here..

and..thank all those who actually cared for me..


  1. I give you my love for no condition. =)
    embrace love and beautify your world with love.
    Remember, love.

    May all love blessed upon you.

  2. hey,cheer up!!笑一笑,没什么事大不了。。。
